Thursday, May 6, 2010

Greyhound 2: Will It Stop

It is such a shame how we act as if we are going to die when one of our electronics stops working. Rather it's the TV, computer, DVD player, etc, we go into epileptic shock. Unfortunately for me, it was my cell phone. Something told me to bring my emergency phone, but I didn't listen. I couldn't receive calls, nor could I make them. I couldn't text or get them. My phone stayed in hot sync mode for three days. My sister tried calling me. I could here the phone ringing on here end, but my screen never showed a thing. I took the battery out for over 10 hours and still no change! I'll say it again. I like Verizon much better than Sprint, and I'll leave it at that!

I'm rushing my mother to get me to the bus station on time. Only to find out that the bus will be 30 minutes late! The clerk tells me this is normal. What the Hell! If that's the case they should just put the late time on the ticket. Once again I decide to go to the bathroom before I get on the bus. You guessed it! The buss pull into the parking lot. Lawd help! I finish up and make my bus.

I thought the trip was going okay, until we made the first stop in Wilmington DE. I remember this stop only taking five minutes on the way there, but 15 minutes has passed and we are still there. The bus driver tells us it will be another 10 minutes before we can leave because another bus is late. Well 10 more minutes turned into 30! Finally on our way again and I couldn't be more relived. Time has passed and we are not even three minute away from the city and we get stuck in traffic. What should have been a four hour trip turned into a six hour trip. As the bus inches along I see a billboard advertisement for an airline. It reads-You could have been there by now. I could do nothing but burst into laughter.

I am so happy to get off the bus I don't know what to do. Then I notice someone has dropped there cell phone on the ground and a piece of luggage has fallen off the bus. This is how disaster trikes. I alert the bus driver as well as one of the useless workers in the neon, green, vest. Good luck to whom ever stuff that is.

I don't know what it is,but it seems like your suitcase is always heavier when you return from a trip. In my case this was true. I had to sit on my suit case to zip it up, and I didn't have to do that before. The wheels on my suitcase begin to bulge out as I pulled it along. Now in the Time Square main subway hub I couldn't find an elevator to take me to my train. Oh no! It will take me three minutes of struggle time to get up two flights of stairs with two suitcases. To every cloud there is a silver lining! A lady offers to help me carry my suitcases up the flights of stairs. I couldn't help to wonder if she was trying to steal my bag. I had gotten to the point where I almost didn't even care. The bags were so heavy that I wouldn't be upset to loose one. Thank goodness I didn't. She was just a good Samaritan. I graciously told her I hope the kindness comes back to her ten times fold. She said she was sure it would. Now on the subway and it is crowded as hell. People are bumping and touching all on each other. I think this is the only place where people don't get upset that your all in their personal space.

Off the subway and walking to my apartment. My bags sound like rocks scrapping the ground. I keep telling myself, I can make it. There is no need to take a cab four blocks. Well I did make it but, I need to visit Asia TuiNa after this trip!

Needless to say, I would do it all over again to spend quality time with my family. Church service, home cooked meals, arguing with my sisters, being surrounded by people who love and care about you, there is nothing like it!


  1. So will you fly next time? hahahaha

  2. You know I said I would do it all again for my family. The odd thing is if I fly, I would be over an hour away from my destination. If I take the bus I'm only 15minutes from my destination. I would take a different bus line.
