Monday, August 30, 2010

Is the Judicial System F***** Up?

It's the next day. I'm sitting here dressed and ready, waiting on my ride to court. I'm nervous. I can feel it in the pit of my gut. I will be so happy when this whole ordeal is over. Part of me feels like braking down and crying, but I've wasted enough tears, and my ex-boyfriend has wasted enough of my time. I know some of you are wondering what the hell I'm talking about?

To make a very long and painful story short. A year in a half a go I was dating a man. The relationship was not healthy. I tried to brake up with him and he flipped out on me. He put his hands on me in a way no man should ever touch a woman. The police was called and charges were pressed. A world wind of bad things happen because of this incident. Friends, family, jobs, etc, etc, lost and gained. Life learned lesson, learned the hard way. I'm just glad I was strong enough to do what needed to be done. Thank God for blessing me to make it out of the situation alive, and now I'm on my way to see justice prevail. I started writing this post towards the end of July and thus have gotten more information on it in late August. I told you when I know you would as well.

Back from court and I don't have a verdict. I have to wait another two weeks to get a verdict. Two weeks pass and I still don't have a verdict. To say that I am pissed off is a huge understatement. Now I'm informed that I have to wait even another two weeks. Subsequently I am informed that most abusers/criminals get away with this sort of misdemeanor, unless a man utterly beats his victim to near death. Other than that it's just his word against yours! A lot of people just want to put the crime behind them as if nothing ever happened, but I am not one of those people. If I don't stand up for my rights who will? This ordeal has been staring me in the face since it happened. What ever the outcome may be; no matter what the verdict is I'm going to continue to move on with my life and thus have been doing so since this painful incident. I need justice to prevail, and I'm starting to think that there is no such thing. Now I understand why people take matters into their own hands. Cant say I blame them, when the judicial system wont do their jobs. I cant help to think "Why in the hell is the system taking my tax money and other tax payers money so the judge can sit at his or her podium and act like their putting down the law? When in all reality their just looking at your watch wondering what they should order for lunch or if they will make it home for dinner. That's is definitely the impression I got.

It is almost September. Finally I get the verdict and it didn't surprise me one iota. Am I disappointed? YES Am I glad it's over? YES See the man I dated was a minister appointed over half of a church. If he could fool a church congregation as well as other preachers/ministers then he most definitely could fool a "judge". In other words he can lie better than I can tell the truth! Then there is always the only True Judge, the Higher Power Judge, GOD and you can't fool him!

When a horrible situation happens to you, you find out who really cares about you and who doesn't, and I'm not just talking about friends either, but that's another blog entirely on it's on! As of my self, I'm in a much better place in all the ways there is to be. The "man" and I use that word loosely that I dated is still a miserable. No exaggeration at all. He's even fatter than he was when I left him, and is still UNEMPLOYED as well as UNEDUCATED!

On a positive note, No matter how bad the situation is; I do understand and believe that everything really does happen for a reason. I also know that karma is a Bitch. I wont have to say or do anything else from here on out about this past situation. See, your own juju as some will put it, definitely has a way of catching up with you. If you put good into the atmosphere you will get good coming back to you. If you put out garbage, pain and chaos into the atmosphere you better believe it will find it's way back to you 10x or 20x fold. My hands are clean of the situation and that chapter of my life is closed! I am now on to much more brighter and better things and taking control of what the future has to offer!

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